Shockwave Therapy Tennis Elbow | Movement Mechanics
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Tennis elbow treatment

Get safe, effective, non-invasive treatment for lateral epicondylitis with Shockwave Therapy

Combining EMS Dolorclast® shockwave therapy with traditional osteopathic treatment for lateral epicondylitis has been shown to be superior to conventional physiotherapy alone. Shockwave treatment for tennis elbow is fast becoming the gold standard for conservative treatment of tennis elbow. 

Need help with ongoing elbow pain?

Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, is a painful injury of the elbow joint caused by repetitive stress (overuse). The pain is located on the outside (lateral side) of the elbow but may radiate down the back of your forearm. You’ll likely feel the pain when you straighten or fully extend your arm.

EMS Shockwave therapy auckland


Treatments are quick and typically take around 5 minutes to 15 minutes depending on the treatment site.

non-invasive osteopathy treatment shockwave therapy


Shockwave therapy doesn't require injections or surgery and is a great alternative to sterioid injections.

Effective osteopathic treatment auckland


Shockwave is shown to reduce the average pain score from 8.5/10 to 1.5/10 within four weekly sessions.

Movement Mechanics Tennis Elbow osteopathy

What is Tennis elbow?

Tennis elbow is a tendinopathy of the common extensor origin of the lateral elbow. In former times the condition was usually named "lateral epicondylitis". However, the pathology is no longer thought to be inflammatory. Nowadays, the accurate description would be "partially reversible but degenerative overuse-underuse tendinopathy". Because of the complexity of this description, the term "tennis elbow" is usually used.

The initial treatment should be conservative, including rest, osteopathy, physiotherapy, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. As in the case of chronic Achilles tendinopathy and chronic plantar fasciopathy, eccentric (lengthening only) exercises have become the mainstay of rehabilitation programs for tennis elbow. For those who have tried these conservative methods with no success, shockwave therapy in conjunction with osteopathic treatment is a great option before considering surgical interventions.

Osteopathy for
Tennis Elbow

So how can osteopathy help Tennis Elbow? Your osteopath will implement a hands-on approach used to reduce pain, improve joint mobility, address muscle imbalances, and promote healing.

Myofascial Release: This technique involves applying sustained pressure to myofascial restrictions and trigger points to release tension and restore tissue mobility. Studies have shown the effectiveness of myofascial release in reducing pain and improving grip strength in individuals with tennis elbow.

Soft Tissue Mobilisation: Gentle manipulation of soft tissues around the affected area can help improve blood flow, reduce muscle tension, and promote tissue healing. Soft tissue mobilization techniques have been shown to relieve pain and improve function in individuals with tennis elbow.

Mobilisation of the Elbow Joint: Specific manual techniques can be used to restore joint mobility, reduce stiffness, and improve function. Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of elbow joint mobilization in improving pain and functional outcomes in individuals with tennis elbow.

Mobilisation of Adjacent Joints: Osteopathic treatment may also include mobilisation of adjacent joints, such as the wrist, shoulder, and cervical spine. These techniques aim to address any underlying joint dysfunctions or imbalances that may contribute to tennis elbow symptoms.

Muscle energy technique (MET) involves the active contraction and relaxation of specific muscles to improve joint mobility, restore muscle balance, and alleviate pain. MET is effective at reducing pain and improving function in individuals with tennis elbow.

Osteopathy Tennis Elbow Rehab
Shockwave therapy tennis elbow auckland

Shockwave therapy is a great non-invasive treatment option for tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis).

How does it help?

Pain Reduction: Radial shockwaves have analgesic properties and can help alleviate pain associated with tennis elbow. The shockwaves stimulate sensory nerve fibres, which can interfere with pain signals and reduce pain perception.


Tissue Healing and Regeneration: ESWT promotes tissue healing and regeneration by stimulating blood flow, neovascularization (formation of new blood vessels), and the release of growth factors. This can enhance the healing process in the affected tendons and promote tissue remodelling.


Reduction of Inflammation: ESWT has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects. It can help modulate the inflammatory response in the affected area, reducing inflammation and swelling associated with tennis elbow.

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