Relieve Lower Back Pain with Osteopathy | Movement Mechanics Osteopathy
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EMS Radial Shockwave Therapy Auckland

Effective Osteopathic treatment
for lower back pain 

Relieve pain and restore mobility with our specialised care

Movement Mechanics Osteopathy Auckland prides itself on being a trusted destination for treating lower back pain in Auckland. We focus on the cause of your pain and provide personalised treatments tailored to your needs. Our goal is to promote recovery and improve your well-being.

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Need Help With Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain can have various causes including muscle strains from overstretching or damaging the back muscles. Another cause of lower back pain is poor posture and muscle imbalances, leading to discomfort. Other potential causes include herniated or bulging discs that pressure spinal nerves and conditions like arthritis, osteoporosis, and spinal abnormalities. Given all the possible causes of lower back pain, correct diagnosis is crucial for the management of your pain.

Why Choose Osteopathy For Lower Back Pain

Osteopathy can be extremely effective at reducing lower back pain, and many experience successful outcomes even when physiotherapy or chiropractic has failed to help. Our Osteopaths use hands-on techniques like gentle manipulation, stretching, Western acupuncture and massage to target the tissues causing or contributing to your pain. Osteopathy focuses on treating the causes of pain rather than solely addressing symptoms and helps promote the body's natural healing processes. Osteopathy is a great treatment option for those seeking effective relief from lower back pain.

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How Osteopathy Can Help Disc injuries

When the discs in the spine are injured, irritated, or undergo degenerative changes, it can lead to lower back pain and discomfort. These changes can cause compressions on nerve tissues, which result in pain, weakness, pins and needles and altered sensation. Osteopathy utilises gentle manipulation and targeted soft tissue techniques to reduce the compression on the compressed nerve structures, alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote optimal spinal health.

How Osteopathy Can Help Muscle Strains

Muscle strains in the lower back, caused by overstretched or torn muscle fibres, can result in significant discomfort. Our Osteopaths specialise in rehabilitating these injuries by addressing muscle imbalances, enhancing mobility, improving blood flow and restoring strength. The aim is to provide comprehensive care for long-lasting relief and prevention.

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Poor Posture and Lower Back Pain

Poor posture, which involves a misalignment of the spine and supporting muscles, can contribute to lower back pain. Osteopathic treatment targets postural imbalances by restoring proper spine alignment, addressing muscle imbalances, helping activate and strengthen muscles that are not being used and alleviating associated discomfort. Osteopathy allows individuals to regain optimal posture and experience improved well-being.

Hamstring Tightness and Lower Back Pain

Tight hamstrings, consisting of muscles and tendons at the back of the thigh, can strain the lower back, resulting in pain and discomfort. Osteopathy addresses this issue by employing techniques such as targeted stretching, manipulation, and therapeutic exercises to release tension, improve flexibility, and alleviate lower back pain caused by hamstring tightness.

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Suffering from Idiopathic Lower Back Pain? Try Shockwave Therapy

Lower back pain that is not caused by sciatica, nerve compression or severe spinal deformation is known as idiopathic lower back pain. It is common and affects people of all ages. It is second only to the common cold as the most common affliction of mankind and is among the leading complaints bringing patients to physicians’ offices. 

Radial shockwave therapy has shown promise in improving symptoms and functional outcomes of idiopathic lower back pain. It stimulates tissue healing and modulates pain. 

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