Hip Pain Treatment Shockwave Therapy Auckland Movement Mechanics
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Greater trochanteric pain syndrome treatment

Shockwave Therapy is a fast, effective and non-invasive treatment choice for a common cause of lateral hip pain, greater trochanteric pain syndrome.

Getting to the bottom of lateral hip pain can be frustrating, but don't despair—we offer fast, effective treatment right here in Auckland. We are Auckland's Shockwave therapy specialists, using industry-leading Shockwave machines and treatments conducted in line with International best practices to provide our patients with treatment that works. Discover how our specialised approach can help alleviate your pain and help get you moving again. Book today!

Pain in the hip?

You may be suffering from greater trochanteric pain syndrome, one of the most common causes of lateral hip pain. In can involve numerous different structures and have varying degrees of tissue damage. This includes muscular tears to the gluteals, tendinopathy, muscle weakness and bursitis.

Shockwave Therapy Auckland Effective treatment


Treatments are quick and typically take around 5 minutes to 15 minutes depending on the treatment site.

non-invasive osteopathy treatment shockwave therapy


Shockwave therapy doesn't require injections or surgery and is a great alternative to sterioid injections.

Shockwave Therapy appointments Auckland


Shockwave is shown to reduce the average pain score from 8.5/10 to 1.5/10 within four weekly sessions.

Lateral Hip Pain Shockwave Auckland

What is greater trochanteric pain syndrome?

Lateral hip pain is a common problem seen in clinic. Greater trochanteric pain syndrome includes trochanteric bursitis associated with a tendinopathy; gluteus medius/minimus tendinopathy and tears of the gluteus medius or minimus tendons. Since there are a number of musculoskeletal components that can cause greater trochanteric pain syndrome, it is often poorly managed using conventional physiotherapy. It is thought that overuse, mechanical overload, incomplete or failed healing and muscle weakness are all factors leading to the lateral hip pain. 

In addition to lateral hip pain, suffers may also experience pain that may radiate down the lateral thigh and buttocks and occasionally to the lateral knee. It can be described as aching and intense at times of greater aggravation caused by passive, active and resisted hip abduction and external rotation.

Osteopathy for
greater trochanteric pain syndrome

Conservative Osteopathic management of greater trochanteric pain syndrome involves careful evaluation and palpation of the trochanteric bursa, gluteus medius, and minimus tendons, gait, hip abductor strength, pelvic control in single-leg stance, and muscle balance throughout the hip.


This holistic approach helps ensure that as many factors as possible are considered given the complex nature of the condition. At Movement Mechanics Osteopathy musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging plays a pivotal role in the management and treatment of greater trochanteric pain syndrome to identify tears, tendinopathies or bursitis. 

Depending on what tissues and level of tissue damage are involved, patients will receive a bespoke exercise and load management program in conjunction with hands-on soft-tissue mobilisation and myofascial work to help speed up recovery as myofascial restrictions of the joints below the hip, the hip itself and the lumbar spine can result in increased friction at the lateral hip. At Movement Mechanics Osteopthy we also use Western Medical Acupuncture and dry-needling to help modulate the associated pain.

Shockwave Therapy auckland hip pain
Radial ShockWaves Auckland

How can shockwave help greater trochanteric pain syndrome?

Shockwave Therapy works by delivering high-energy acoustic waves, which stimulate the body's natural healing processes. The therapy aims to enhance blood circulation, promote cell regeneration, and dissolve calcifications in the tendons and muscles, thereby alleviating pain and improving function.

Shockwave Therapy involves stimulating angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels) and releasing growth factors, which aid in tissue healing. Moreover, shockwaves can induce a decrease in pain mediators and an increase in growth factors, contributing to pain reduction and healing.

A study by Furia et al. (2009) demonstrated that patients with greater trochanteric pain syndrome who received Shockwave Therapy showed significant improvements in pain and function compared to those who did not receive the therapy. Shockwave Therapy has also been shown to be more effective than corticosteroid injections and multimodal therapy at a 1-year follow-up. When combined with Osteopathy and exercise Shockwave Therapy is superior to corticosteroid injection for pain relief at 15 months follow-up

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