Need Help With Neck Pain? Movement Mechanics Osteopathy Auckland
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EMS Radial Shockwave Therapy Auckland

Effective Osteopathic treatment
for neck pain 

Increase mobility, relieve pain and speed up recovery with our specialised care

At Movement Mechanics Osteopathy Auckland we are dedicated to being your first choice for effective neck pain treatment. Understanding that each individual's pain is unique, we delve into the root cause of your discomfort, offering customised treatment plans designed specifically for you.

Neck pain treatment Auckland

Pain in the neck?

Neck pain is a prevalent issue that can significantly affect your daily life. From mechanical neck pain due to posture to more complex conditions like radiculopathy, it's crucial to identify the cause for effective treatment. Our osteopaths in Auckland are adept at diagnosing and treating various neck pain types, ensuring a tailored approach for each patient. Osteopath neck pain treatment is particularly effective as it not only addresses the symptoms but also targets the root cause of the pain. We employ a range of techniques, including manual therapy, active release therapy, and acupuncture, which are tailored to individual needs. This patient-centred approach ensures a comprehensive treatment plan for neck pain relief.

Why Choose Osteopathy for Treating Neck Pain?

Osteopathy stands out as a preferred treatment for neck pain due to its holistic and non-invasive nature. By taking a holistic approach, Osteopathy treats the body as a whole, addressing the interconnectedness of muscles, joints, and bones. Our osteopaths also provide personalised care meaning that each patient receives a treatment plan tailored to their specific condition and needs. We use non-invasive techniques such as gentle, manual therapies, avoiding the need for surgery or medication. Osteopathy focuses on prevention. Alongside treating existing pain, osteopaths provide advice on posture and lifestyle to prevent future issues.​

Osteopath auckland neck pain
Chronic neck pain

How Osteopathy Can Chronic Neck Pain

Chronic neck pain can be due to long-standing issues such as degenerative diseases or repetitive strain. Osteopathic Treatment focuses on relieving pain and stiffness through a combination of manual therapy, exercise, and advice on ergonomic setups. Long-term pain can lead to centralisation meaning you become overly sensitive to things that wouldn't usually cause you pain. We have a number of pain-modulating tools effective at helping with chronic pain such as Western medical acupuncture.

How Osteopathy Can Help Neck Pain With Headaches

Tension in the neck muscles can lead to tension-type headaches and cervicogenic headaches, which can feel debilitating. We see these types of complaints daily and administer osteopathic treatment aimed at relaxing the neck and head muscles, improving blood flow, and reducin headache frequency. We find that joint mobilisation of the responsible spinal segments and relieving any compensatory muscular dysfunctions are extremely effective at treating this type of neck pain. 

neck pain headache
Radicular pain neck

How Osteopathy Can Help Radicular Pain and Radiculopathy

Nerve root irritation from herniated discs or spinal stenosis can cause neck pain and be extremely distressing. This can cause nerve compression resulting in shooting pain into the arms, weakness and altered sensation in attain to neck pain. Osteopathic treatment uses techniques aimed at reducing nerve irritation and improving spinal alignment. It also includes careful diagnosis and differentiation between radicular pain and radiculopathy and ensuring that safe and effective treatment is administered.

How Osteopathy Can Help With Mechanical Neck Pain

Many factors can lead to mechanical neck pain including poor posture, muscle imbalances, or repetitive movements. These can occur due to sporting injuries, from doing stuff around the house and from poor work-based postures from prolonged sitting at a desk. Treatment includes posture correction, targeted exercises, hands-on manual therapy to rebalance muscle function and help modifying lifestyle factors that may be maintaining or contributing to the issue.

Hands on treatment neck pain
Shockwave therapy auckland neck pain shoulder pain

Neck Pain Caused By The Shoulder

Neck Pain from Shoulder Dysfunction is a condition where shoulder issues lead to neck pain and discomfort. This relationship is due to the interconnectedness of the musculoskeletal system, where dysfunction in one area can impact another. When shoulder muscles are overused or underused, it can lead to an imbalance that affects the neck muscles and causes neck pain. Another cause is referred pain from the shoulder to the neck, often due to nerve pathways shared between these areas. Shoulder injuries, such as rotator cuff tears or impingement, can also indirectly cause neck pain. By addressing shoulder dysfunction, osteopathy not only resolves neck pain but also improves the patient's overall musculoskeletal health, leading to enhanced quality of life and reduced risk of recurring issues.

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