Shin Splints Treatment Auckland Shockwave Therapy Movement Mechanics
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Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome treatment

We offer effective, non-invasive, alternative treatment for medial tibial stress syndrome commonly known as "Shin Splints", combining Osteopathy with Shockwave Therapy

If you have been suffering from shin splints and little has helped, we offer fast, effective treatment in Auckland. Our clinic specialises in shockwave therapy and combines it with expert osteopathic advice to help manage the pain associated with medial tibial stress syndrome and promote healing for faster recovery. Discover how our specialised approach can help you regain mobility and overcome the pain and discomfort associated with shin splints. Make an appointment today!

Suffering from Shin Splints?

Medial tibial stress syndrome, commonly known as ‘‘shin splints”  is a common overuse injury or repetitive-stress injury of the legs. Typically suffers experience pain that gets worse at the beginning of exercisegradually subsides during training, and stops within minutes after exercise. As time goes on, pain may present with less activity and may even occur at rest.

Shockwave Therapy Auckland Effective treatment


Treatments are quick and typically take around 5 minutes to 15 minutes depending on the treatment site.

non-invasive osteopathy treatment shockwave therapy


Shockwave therapy doesn't require injections or surgery and is a great alternative to sterioid injections.

Shockwave Therapy appointments Auckland


Shockwave is shown to reduce the average pain score from 8.5/10 to 1.5/10 within four weekly sessions.

Shockwave Therapy Shin Splints Shockwave

What are Shin splint?

A common overuse injury of the leg which typically occurs in runners and other athletes that are exposed to intensive weight-bearing activities such as jumpers. Suffered experience exercise-induced pain over the anterior tibia or shin that if not managed properly can lead to stress fractures. It is believed stress to the bone causes inflammation to the dense tissue that covers your bones (periosteum) and/or micro-damage to the bone which causes painful bony remodelling.

Osteopathy for
Shin splints

Conservative Osteopathic management of medial tibial stress syndrome consists of focusing on rest and activity modification, reducing repetitive and load-bearing exercises. The duration of rest required varies from patient to patient, and there are currently no specific recommendations or guidelines.


Osteopaths will examine your body as a whole, correct any gait dysfunctions, and provide biomechanical retraining for movements that are likely to slow down recovery or contribute to leg overload, as shin splints are almost always associated with biomechanical abnormalities of the lower extremity, including knee abnormalities, tibial torsion, femoral ante-version, foot arch abnormalities, or a leg-length discrepancy.


Hands-on techniques such as soft tissue and joint mobilisation will be implemented to reduce stress and tension in tissues. Western Medical Acupuncture may be incorporated to help modulate pain and reduce inflammation.

Auckland Osteopath Leg Injury
Shockwave Therapy Auckland treat shin splints

How can shockwave help Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome?

Radial Shockwave Therapy (RSWT) has been increasingly used as a noninvasive intervention for Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome. It uses high-energy acoustic waves to promote recovery in affected tissues by stimulating blood flow, enhancing tissue regeneration, accelerating pain reduction, improving function, and shortening recovery time compared to traditional treatments.


A study by Rompe et al. (2010) demonstrated that patients with chronic Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome experienced significant improvements in pain and functionality after undergoing Shockwave Therapy, and Notarnicola and Moretti (2012) found that Shockwave Therapy enhances neovascularization, a critical factor in the healing process.


Shockwave is non-invasive and demonstrates positive clinical results making it a valuable treatment for patients suffering from shin splints.

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